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The Modern Sleepist

Lower Back Pain & How to Relieve It

"Leaving" By Peter Rosbjerg under CC by 2.0 

By DUX Design, AB  •  November 5, 2015

About 80% of adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their life, making lower back pain the most common type. While back pain in most cases is a temporary discomfort, chronic back pain is one of the most cited reasons people miss work or take disability leave.


What Causes Lower Back Pain?

There are many possible causes of lower back pain, but here are some of the most common:


Sprains, strains and more serious, violent injuries can cause back pain. If you suspect you've injured your back you should consult a doctor as soon as possible so that you can begin treatment and save yourself from developing chronic lower back pain.

Herniated Discs

This common source of lower back pain is sometimes referred to as a "slipped disc." A tear in the ring that surrounds an intervertebral disc allows the inner portion to bulge out of the damaged rings, causing severe pain.

Disc Degeneration

When the outer rings surrounding spinal discs wear down, or degenerate, they can cause stress and inflammation that result in lower back pain (although disc degeneration can also be responsible for neck pain).

Spinal/Skeletal Irregularities

Scoliosis is a common cause of lower back pain. Even if the curvature of the spine does not occur in the lower back, the strain of the curvature will often put pressure on the lower portion of the back. Other congenital conditions or irregularities in the formation of the spine and skeleton can put pressure on your lower back.


Who is at Risk for Lower Back Pain?

Pregnant Women

Women carrying the extra weight of a pregnancy will almost certainly experience lower back pain due to the strain on those muscles.

People Who Don’t Get Enough Exercise

This can include people who are overweight, but a person can be thin and still not get enough exercise. The muscles in your back need to be strong in order to support your body. Even walking can help strengthen back muscles and lessen lower back pain.

People Who Have a Family History of Back Problems

If your family has a history of back issues you may be at risk for experiencing lower back pain yourself. Ask family members if they or other loved ones have had problems with lower back pain and make sure to pass this information on to your doctor.

Elderly People

As people age and become less active they are more likely to experience lower back pain. Staying active is the key to preventing degeneration and remaining strong enough to support your spine.


How is Lower Back Pain Treated?

Treatment for lower back pain can vary widely and obviously depends on the underlying cause of the pain. But, there are a few common treatments such as:

Exercise or Physical Therapy

Activity is frequently recommended over rest because it will get blood flowing to the affected areas and help the healing process. Resting too much can actually place more pressure on your back. The types of exercise your doctor recommends may range from gentle walking or strategic stretching to more specific strengthening exercises that can help support your lower back. Physical therapy is often recommended as a way to guide your healing and strengthening process.


In more extreme cases lower back pain might be caused by an injury or underlying condition that will require surgery to fix. Your doctor can help you decide what the best course of action is once your diagnosis is clear.

Eliminating Stressors

Lower back pain can also be caused by more innocuous parts of our daily life. Is the chair you sit in at the office ergonomic? Do you know what the best posture is to prevent straining your lower back? And, perhaps most importantly, do you sleep on a quality bed? You spend nearly a third of your life asleep; the mattress you sleep on is therefore an important factor in your spinal health.


Even if that old mattress isn't to blame for your lower back pain, a DUXIANA® mattress could help alleviate it. If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, invest in a bed that will help instead of hinder. Or, if you're pregnant or planning on starting a family, consider a DUX® Bed from Sweden.  Comprised of interchangeable support cassettes it can easily be customized by you to compensate for your body changes during pregnancy – and back again. DUX beds can help ease lower back pain no matter what the cause or treatment options your doctor has recommended.

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