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The Modern Sleepist

Sound Asleep:  Quick Tips for a Deeper Night's Rest

"Cow Lick Retina Desktop" by Thomas Gehrke under CC by 2.0


By DUX Design, AB  •  September 27, 2015

Wondering how to sleep better seems to be a question our society can't stop asking. What is it about modern life that makes sleeping well so difficult? Are screens to blame or is it the ambient noise? Do we simply not have the discipline of past generations? The truth is that each individual needs to find sleep solutions that address his or her unique needs. When researching ways to sleep better you'll have to decide what it is that keeps you up at night and what to do about it. Luckily, we have some tips on common sleep issues and how to sleep comfortably.

Sleep is deeply important to our physical and mental well-being, so make sure you know how to get better sleep in order to live a better life.

Get a bed that suits you (and your partner)

Our number one recommendation on how to sleep better is to invest in a quality mattress. The DUX® Bed is designed to help alleviate back pain and is customized to give both you and your partner a more comfortable environment specific to your body shape, weight and personal preferences. If you often find that your partner's tossing and turning wakes you up, or if they keep a radically different sleep schedule, consider The DUX Bed. It minimizes the bouncing that comes with a partner rolling over or getting into bed at 2 AM. Even if you don't have to worry about a partner's differing needs, The DUX Bed’s component design offers customizable comfort and support unparalleled by any other mattress. 

Limit or banish screens from the bedroom

Science has shown that the screens of our tablets, computers, TVs and phones can send a "wakeful" signal to our brains and keep us up at night, scrolling through our feeds mindlessly or falling asleep to the discordant sounds of the late night shows. The overall environment in the bedroom should be conducive to encouraging sleep; free of distractions.  Don't get into the habit of falling asleep to the TV. Use a traditional alarm clock instead of your phone. If you don’t have a landline and you prefer to keep your cell in your bedroom at night, use the Do Not Disturb feature to silence all but the most important calls, texts, etc. If your phone does not have this capability built in there are apps that have the same features.

Create a routine

If you're wondering how to sleep comfortably but you're doing it while still working at midnight or texting until 1 AM, you need to come at the problem earlier in the day. It's easy to fall into the habit of watching one more episode or reading the next chapter, but try to craft a bedtime routine that will wind you down before you get into bed. Turn off or put away electronics, or put on soothing and calm music for just a few songs. Maybe make yourself a cup of something non-caffeinated. Do some calming yoga poses before getting into bed, or meditate briefly. Craft a bedtime routine that distracts you from the worries of work or life and gets you ready to lay down and get some shut eye.

Stick to a schedule

Decide when bedtime is and then stick to it. Yes, learning how to sleep better can be that simple. If you know that you feel better rested after six, seven or eight hours of sleep then make sure you have the time to get it. When the clock strikes 10:00 or whatever time you decide on, start getting ready for bed or plan to be in it already. Life can get busy with work, kids and other challenges, but it doesn't pay to stay up late slaving over a task that's twice as hard because you're tired. Put off what you can for the next day and you'll probably find that you can get it done more quickly anyway. Sleep is the best way to rejuvenate yourself and be ready to tackle the day.

Wear yourself out

Getting regular exercise is one way to ensure that you're tired when bedtime comes around. Especially if you struggle with mild insomnia or have a hard time putting yourself to sleep every night, make yourself extra tired from a hard workout. This is one of our favorite ways to sleep better, since it also keeps you fit and healthy. Just don't wait until too late in the day to exercise – getting your blood pumping is more likely to keep you amped up if you do it too close to bedtime.

Lower the temperature

You know those studies about how lower temperatures increase worker productivity? Well, they're bogus, as you might have guessed as you stave off another yawn in that meeting that's held in the over-air conditioned boardroom. Modern research has shown that a lower body temperature actually signals your body that it's time to sleep. Even if you prefer to bundle up as you sleep, try sticking one foot or arm out from under the covers as you fall asleep. Relaxing into the lower heart rate that comes with lower body temperature is another way to fall asleep faster.


Learn how to sleep better with these tips and tricks. If you still have trouble sleeping it can be very helpful to consult your doctor, who may even refer you to a sleep specialist. Sleep is vital to our health and happiness; don't short change yourself with bad sleep habits or an inferior sleep environment.


The Informed Sleeper endeavors to become your sole information resource for better health through deeper sleep.

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