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The Modern Sleepist

5 Tips for Lower Back Pain Relief 

By DUX Design, AB  •  December 20, 2015

Lower back pain is one of the most common types of back pain that adults experience. Lower back pain relief is a constant quest for some people, as they struggle with daily aches and pains in this sensitive part of the spine. We can help you learn how to relieve lower back pain with our five easy tips.

You should always be mindful of intense, sustained or chronic lower back pain and consult a medical professional if you experience these issues. However, for more commonplace lower back twinges and throbbing you can try our tips and tricks to see if you can get some relief and perhaps even solve issues that might be causing your lower back pain.

  1. Relax your back: Lie on the floor with your lower legs resting on a chair or other surface that lets your legs bend at a right angle at the knee. For maximum lower back pain relief, hold this position for at least five minutes, breathing deeply to help your tight muscles relax. This static position may not seem like it will do much for your lower back pain, but it will help your spine relax.

  2. Stretch your hamstrings: gently lean forward, trying to touch your toes (even if you can't), with your legs straight, but not locked, at the knee. If you feel you have to rest your hands on your thighs or on a desk or chair back that's okay too: as long as you feel a stretch in your hamstrings (the back of your thighs), you're doing it right. Tight hamstrings can actually cause or exacerbate lower back pain. When exploring how to relieve lower back pain it can help to research referred pain like this in order to identify what might be causing your lower back pain.

  3. Strengthen your lower back and core muscles: sometimes lower back pain is caused by weak muscles that cannot support you in your day to day activities. If you live a fairly sedentary life or if your preferred form of exercise does not work these muscles, you may find that no amount of stretching will offer lower back pain relief. Working these lower back muscles until they can support your spine and upper body more effectively may be the only way to keep lower back pain at bay.

  4. Pay attention to posture: stop wearing high heels and unsupportive shoes and make sure that your spine is in proper alignment, whether you're walking down the street or sitting on the couch. Any furniture you spend a significant amount of time on should be properly ergonomic and supportive, including desk chairs, sofas and beds in order to prevent and to relieve lower back pain.

  5. Get enough restorative sleep: sleep is not only when your body recharges your mind and energy levels, but also when it heals minor aches and pains. If you have recurring sleep issues, tossing and turning all night, or if you wake up with worse lower back pain than you went to bed with, you need to consider whether your bed is giving you the rest you need. A supportive bed, like The DUX® Bed can help you fall asleep more easily, stay asleep longer and offer your spine the support it needs to relax tight muscles, soothe sore ones and generally recover from a day of lower back pain. Lower back pain relief can sometimes be as simple as examining your environment to ensure that furniture as critical as your bed is not causing your back pain.

Find more information on different types of back pain and their causes be sure to explore The Informed Sleeper, our online magazine.


The Informed Sleeper endeavors to become your sole information resource for better health through deeper sleep.

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